
あなたにも出来る「ポリッドスクリーン」による1人ミクパ!1m60円の超低コストで高精細投影が可能な透明スクリーン「ポリッドスクリーン」ニコニコ学会β in 超会議ポスターセッションに出展したポリッドスクリーンの体験実験をボカコンでも再現。透過スクリーンの様々な活用方法を紹介します!


POLID Screen Project

Have your own personal Mikupa with a homemade POLID screen! The POLID screen is a transparent screen capable of showing high-definition projections at super-low cost, just 60 yen per meter.

The POLID screen, which made an appearance at the Nico Nico Gakkaiβ in Chokaigi poster session, will reappear at Vocacon for a trial experience. We will be introducing many different ways to use the transparent screen! We'll also have a mini POLID screen ready, and are planning to have a repeat, miniature version of the POLID live seen on the Vocacon stage during day 1.