りはびり~ずfeat.MIKU&GUMI アミッドライブ


 ドラム ハバネロ炒飯
 ベース 植草 博人
 ギター 関根ゆたか
 キーボード なヲタ
 ギター&キーボード mamo社長

Rehabilies feat. MIKU & GUMI Amid Live

With the video 【Amid Live Proof Trial】from Y to Y -band edition(LIVEver) http://nico.ms/sm19431585 that was suddenly uploaded to Nico Nico Video,a group attempted a new style of Amid live performance. Now, they're bringing it and their musical ability to the stage at Vocacon!


Drums: Habanero Cha-han

Bass: Hiroto Uekusa

Guitar: Yutaka Sekine

Keyboards: Nawota

Guitar & Keyboards: President mamo